Anchored on the Côte d'Azur, Café du Cycliste is a French label dedicated to sharing a passion for cycling and the outdoors.

Anchored on the Côte d'Azur, Café du Cycliste is a French label dedicated to sharing a passion for cycling and the outdoors.

Conceived on the Cote d'Azur and rooted between the mountains and the sea, Café du Cycliste is dedicated to those who want to explore more. Cycling first, the outdoors above everything. Whether in the north wind or on the south shore, the short burst or the adventure of a lifetime. Finding limits pushing boundaries occasionally pulling back from the brink.We're about all the roads less ridden, the places less seen and the scenes less written. Sharing memories that linger long after the day is done. And leaving it all behind us just as it was when we found it. If that sounds familiar then come on in and step outside, the door is wide open.

The freedom to create, the freedom to experiement & experience, the freedom to explore.
An organic journey which began with a love of cycling and the outdoors and continues in exactly the same way.
Push boundaries, take risks and accept the consequences, for good or ill.
The ability to connect with those who share our passion is at the heart of what we do and who we are.

With a headquarters in Nice, Café du Cycliste is flanked by the mediterranean on one side and guarded by mountains on the other. The spiritual home of French cycling, the beauty of the Côte d’Azur and the Alpes Maritimes are outside our door.What started as a cycling apparel company inspired by the outdoors has become an outdoor label with deep roots in the cycling world. What began as an idea to do things differently has become a community of like minded people who share the same values, beliefs and love of the outdoors.The journey so far hasn't been a straight line, there have been numerous forks in the road and plenty of points when we've found ourselves off the edge of the map. The journey from here on will be more of the same, pushing limits and exploring boundaries.In truth, we wouldn't want it any other way.

Somewhere between the sea and the sky, the fresh air and the deep blue. The flying fish is emblematic not only of our roots on the Côte d'Azur but also our view of the wider world.Not limited to one discipline, sport or activity and not restricted to a particular type of landscape or terrain, the essence is to go anywhere and see everything. To find inspiration or adventure every time we head outside.The natural world is both a playground and a privilege. A place to explore but a place to protect. A reason to get moving along with the responsibility that goes with it. Whatever it takes to keep the fish flying.
Push the limits and squeeze the pips.