The Year Ahead With Café du Cycliste
Now we’ve all put the darkest days of the year behind us, here at Café du Cycliste we’re working hard to fill your season ahead with Côte d’Azur sunshine. From shredding gravel to new products, to Provençal surprises, to the world’s greatest race on our home cols, there’s a lot to look forward to.

We can’t give too many details just yet, but here are some highlights to put in your riding diary and products to get the pulse racing.

Gravel grinders
We’re doubling down on our commitment to gravel. On top of our recently announced sponsorship of the Gravel Earth Series, we’ve got a new team in the offing this season to race the routes we’ve spent the winter dreaming about.

Sneak peeks
The finishing stitches are being put on our Spring/Summer 2024 products. Touching down first are an ultra-lightweight wind jacket and Americana-inspired jerseys.

Peak anticipation
There’s something special happening near Mont Ventoux. We can’t let on what it is just yet, but join us in the shadow of the bald mountain in April for a special occasion…

Talking of special occasions, there’s a big race happening in July this year starting in Florence and heading to Nice. Join us as we celebrate the pros and embark on our own “outsiders” version.

Love the Alps as much as we love the Alps? We’ll be showing you some of our favourite spots in the mountainous playground in our own backyard. Share yours with us via the hashtag #MyAlps and take your inspiration to new heights.

Here and there
We’re putting together a calendar of events we’ll be sponsoring, participating in or simply admiring in the next twelve months. Keep an eye out for when it lands and join us if you can out on various roads.

B-ing sustainable
Our impact and responsibility commitments will remain front and centre of everything we do in the year ahead. With new partnerships as a 1% for the planet contributor, new advances in our production processes and some big sustainability news to bring you very soon.